HKFoods started using Tofuture's sustainability management tool, so that the collection of ESG data between different locations and countries would be more straightforward, accurate and risk-free.
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We combine our expertise in sustainability, data analytics and software development for the benefit of our customers. Our service and SaaS-based tool serve organisatios of different sizes and from wide variety of sectors. Our customers represent sectors such as the metal, chemistry, food, automation, and energy sectors. They include listed companies, medium-sized companies and organizations. The common nominators are the understanding of the value of reliable ESG data, forward-looking mindset to benefit ESG data in strategic decision-making and streamlining of sustainability reporting. Our customers are forerunners in ESG data management and benefiting the data.
HKFoods started using Tofuture's sustainability management tool, so that the collection of ESG data between different locations and countries would be more straightforward, accurate and risk-free.
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Nordic gas ecosystem and a cleaner tomorrow GASUM – Success Story “Gasum has used Tofuture’s Corporate Sustainability Management (CSM) system for several years.
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Outokumpu monitors environmental data in an integrated, efficient, accurate and transparent manner as a part of the Group-wide environmental performance management.
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As a part of the Oulu Energia Group, Turveruukki Ltd. produces peat for energy, bioenergy and other biomass products. Turveruukki is responsible for fuel procurement by supplying the majority of the energy peat and wood that Oulun Energia uses for generation of electricity and heat.
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Dometic is a global market leader in branded solutions for mobile living in the areas of Climate, Hygiene & Sanitation and Food & Beverage.
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